Unigraphics interface using a toolbar that can be customized for each user. Various options are located below the Menu bar and a variety of cascades can accessed by selecting the appropriate icon from the toolbar. For emphasis "ease of use". Here we will start from the beginning by introducing the functions and identify locations with respect to the toolbar and icons. Session Unigraphics has "out of the, box" interface, so that Gateway applications and modeling will be adjusted through an activity.
Toolbar control the display can be accessed from any of the 3 steps:
• Select Tools-> Customize from the main menu.
• Select View Toolbars from the menu min.
• Use the third mouse button in the window Unigraphics, outside
Graphics window.
Views of each toolbar, and every element of each toolbar, the user
adjusted. To turn ON or OFF display the toolbar select
Tools -> Customize or click MB 3 in the toolbar area and select Customize.
Placing a check in the box beside the name of the toolbar will immediately display
toolbar in the area of graphics.

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