AutoCAD Modifications Element Color

The default screen color background for Model Space is Black. The default screen color background for Paper Space is White (simulating a sheet of paper). This is your best indicator of what space you are working in.
For added convenience for users, AutoCAD also provide a variety of options for displaying colors on
elements of the worksheet. For more details, follow these steps.
1. Type op (OPTION) on the command line.
2. Click the Display tab view Area Window Elements.
3. Then click Colors, Drawing dialog box appears Windows Colors.
4. Select the element you want to change the color on the menu Interface element.
5. For example, click the crosshairs element.
6. In the drop down menu, Color: can be transformed into a red color.

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Array is a repeating pattern of the selected features. we can create a linear pattern, a circular pattern, a pattern driven curve, fill patterns, or use sketch points or coordinate tables to create a pattern. We can choose the option Visual Properties in the Property Manager. With parts of the multi-body, you can use a pattern or a pattern or feature mirror to mirror some of the bodies in the same document. For Linear pattern, select the feature, then specify the direction, linear distance, and the total number of cases. For Pattern Circular, select the features and benefits as the center or axis of rotation, then specify: The number of cases and the total angle at which to create the pattern. For Curve Driven Pattern, select the features and advantages or segments sketch to pattern features. Then you can determine the type of curve, curve method, and the method of alignment. For Patterns Sketch, choose where to fill the superior features by sketching points on the model's face. For Table pattern, add or retrieve previously made X-Y coordinates for the filling of excellent features on the model's face. For Pattern Fill, fill the area defined by a pattern or cut features defined configurations. For Mirror Features, select a feature to copy and planes around which to mirror them. If you choose a planar face on the model, you mirror the entire model of the selected face. 
1. Draw a line to the reference axis
2. Make a feature that will be in the array, make an example extrude cut like
on picture
3. Select the Array ==> Circullar
4. Fill the parameters axis by axis sketch that has been made - Fill in the amount of features we wanted - click Equal spacing (if we wanted the same distance) - Select a feature that will be in the array (extruded cut has been made) - OK (click the check the color green).

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Curve Driven Pattern Solidworks tutorial

1. Make a sketch curve (pattern) which is the reference Pattern / Array.
Example: Create a spline
2. Make a Feature that will be in the pattern. Example: Extrude cut
3. Select the Pattern ==> Curve Driven Pattern - Select Sketch has been created to fill Direction 1 - Fill pattern desired amount - Click Equal spacing (to make the same distance along the curve) or - Fill D1 = to make a suitable distance our desires - Select Feature that will be in pattern (Extrude cut)
4. OK (click the check mark Green color)

The Curve Drive Pattern PropertyManager appears when you create a new curve driven pattern feature, or when you edit an existing curve driven pattern feature. The PropertyManager controls the following properties: Direction 1 Pattern Direction. Select a curve, edge, sketch entity, or select a sketch from the FeatureManager to use as the path for the pattern. If necessary, click Reverse Direction to change the direction of the pattern. The example below uses the upper edge of the model as the Pattern Direction for Direction 1. Number of Instances . Set a value for the number of instances of the seed feature in the pattern. Equal spacing. Sets equal spacing between each pattern instance. The separation between instances depends on the curve selected for Pattern Direction and on the Curve method. Equal spacing check box cleared Equal spacing check box selected Spacing (Available if you do not select Equal spacing). Set a value for the distance between pattern instances along the curve. The distance between the curve and the Features to Pattern is measured normal to the curve. Curve method. Defines the direction of the pattern by transforming how you use the curve selected for Pattern Direction. Select one of the following: Transform curve. The delta X and delta Y distances from the origin of the selected curve to the seed feature are maintained for each instance. Offset curve. The normal distance from the origin of the selected curve to the seed feature is maintained for each instance. Alignment method. Select one of the following: Tangent to curve. Aligns each instance tangent to the curve selected for Pattern Direction. Align to seed. Aligns each instance to match the original alignment of the seed feature. of Curve method and Alignment method selections. Face normal (For 3D curves only). Select the face on which the 3D curve lies to create the curve driven pattern.

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Solidworks Tutorials Fillet Setback

Creates a smooth transition where fillet edges meet. Setback fillets. Defines a setback distance from a vertex at which the fillets start to blend The Fillet PropertyManager appears when you create a new fillet feature, or when you edit an existing fillet feature. The PropertyManager displays the appropriate options based on the type of fillet you create. The PropertyManager remembers its last used state. Setback fillet shown with Full preview , and with the same setback Distance of 12mm applied to all three edges. Setback fillet shown with Full preview , and with a different setback Distance applied to all three edges. 
FILLET with setback
Process sequence:
1. Select the Fillet feature
2. Select Constan radius and the content of the desired radius
3. Select the desired edge
4. Click the menu setback
5. Define the corner of the selected edge meeting
6. Determine the value setback (setback if the same value can click Set All or may also different value for masing2 side edge). In order to more clearly see the picture.

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