Learn to make Solid Object modeling using the Loft solidworks method

Solid Object Modeling using the Loft method.
Example: Making a solid cylinder with R = 50 mm and a length of 200 mm.
1. Click the New icon, part icon, to create a new part.
2. Click the front icon, and the 2D sketch icon, so that we can activate the sketch tool.
3. Click the circle icon, and then from the origin we create a circle with R = 50 mm
4. Click the 2D sketch icon so that the sketch tool is inactive.
5. Click the isometric icon so that we get the circle sketch image in the isometric projection.
6. On the menu bar line, Click Insert, Reference Geometry, Plane. So that the Plane dialog box will be active as follows:

8. From the Plane box above, we click the plane, so that the right side will activate the Feature Manager Design Tree (FMDT). In FMDT, we click front
So that in the Selection section there will be Front text. After that, type 2000 mm and check the Reverse direction box.
9.Click the plane1 icon and the 2D sketch icon so that we can activate the sketch tool.
10.Click the circle icon, and then from the origin create a circle with R = 50 mm.
11. Then click 2D sketch so that the sketch tool is inactive. So that we get an image like the following:

12. Click the loft icon or on the menu bar click Insert, base, Loft. so that the Loft dialog box will be 
active as follows:

13. From the Loft dialog box above, click loft so that the right side will activate the Feature Manager Design Tree (FMDT). On FMDT click 3 and sketch 4, so that both sketches will be read in the group profile.
14. After the above process is complete, click the checklist so that we get a solid cylinder from the loft 

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Using Parametrics in Sketches Solidworks Tutorials

Sketching in SOLIDWORKS is the basis for creating features. Features are the basis for creating parts, which can be put together into assemblies. Sketch entities can also be added to drawings. What separates parametric CAD tools from simple 2D drawing programs is the intelligence that you can build in to a parametric sketch. In this tutorial, you learn some of the power that parametrics can provide in both structured using actual dimensions and unstructured changes. 1. Open a new SolidWorks document by clicking the New toolbar button or by choosing File, New. 2. From the list of templates, select a new part template, either inch or millimeter. 3. Press the Spacebar on the keyboard to open the View Orientation dialog box, and double click the Front view. 4. Right-click the Front plane in the FeatureManager, or whatever the first plane listed is, and select Sketch. 5. Click the View menu, and make sure the Sketch Relations item is depressed. This shows small icons on the screen to indicate when parametric relations are created between sketch entities. 6. Click the Circle from the Sketch toolbar, choose Tools, Sketch Entities, Circle. 7. Sketch a circle centered on the Origin. With the Circle tool activated, click the cursor at the Origin in the graphics area. The Origin is the asterisk at the intersection of the long vertical red arrow and the short horizontal red arrow. After clicking the first point, which represents the center of the circle, move the cursor away from the Origin, and click again, which will establish the radius of the circle.  8. Deactivate the circle by clicking its toolbar icon or pressing the Esc key on the keyboard. Now click and hold the cursor on the circle, then drag it to change the size of the circle. The center of the circle is locked to the Origin as the Coincident icon near the Origin appears. The radius is undefined, so it can be dragged by the cursor. If the centerpoint were not defined, the location of the center of the circle could also be dragged.

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Customizing Toolbars Unigraphics Utility NX

The display of the toolbars as well as the display of each element within a toolbar may be customized. The display of a toolbar may be controlled in one of two ways: 
-Choose Tools→Customize from the main menu bar to access the Customize dialog. On the Toolbars page, choose the check box next to the toolbar name to display or hide it. The toolbars with a check are currently displayed. 
-Use the Third Mouse Button (MB3) within the NX window but outside the graphics window, to display a menu of all toolbars. The toolbars listed with a check box are displayed. Choosing a toolbar name with the First Mouse Button (MB1) will turn it on or off. The Customize option may be selected to access the Customize dialog 
-To turn on and off the display of icons within a toolbar, select the Toolbar Options area of the toolbar and choose Add or Remove Buttons, and the toolbar name. This will display a cascading menu with all of the available icons for the toolbar. Placing a check in the box next to the command will immediately display the icon in the appropriate toolbar. Removing the check will hide the icon.

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Shortcut Keys Anchor Dockable Windows AutoCAD

The palette edge is the docking anchor. Once snapped together, you can drag all of them at once, provided you grab the palette at top left. The ability to anchor dockable windows is one of the best new features in AutoCAD. In case you haven’t noticed, there has been a proliferation of dockable windows in recent AutoCAD releases. These include the following: a Advanced Settings Dialog Command Line, Dashboard, dbConnect Manager, Design Center, External References, Info Palette, Lights In Model, Materials, Markup Set Manager, Properties, Quick Calculator, Sheet Set Manager, Sun Properties, Tool Palettes, Visual Style Manager. With all these dockable windows competing for space on screen, there is now officially no room left for drawing. Autodesk probably figured that it couldn’t just tell everyone to go out and buy three more monitors, so it invented the anchor feature. Right-click the vertical title bar of any palette (or, more correctly, dockable window), and toggle on Allow Docking, if it’s not already on. Repeat, and choose Anchor Left or Anchor Right. The best thing about anchoring is that you can anchor multiple dockable windows on each side of the screen without sacrificing any more pixels. Hover the mouse over any labeled anchored dock, and the associated palettes expand, filling all the available space. Anchoring is the most efficient way to work with dockable windows. Try anchoring as many palettes on the edges of the screen as your display resolution allows. You’ll have instant access to most of the UI without having to hunt for palettes in the menu or, worse yet, try to remember shortcut keys.

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